The Jersey Toastmasters
Jersey Toastmasters is a Toastmasters club similar to any of the 11,000 clubs chartered by Toastmasters International worldwide. Its members follow the same training manuals, meeting agenda, constitution and by-laws as the 220,000 of their colleagues worldwide do.

But, it is different. It is the only Toastmasters club in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area whose primary membership consists of ethnic Filipinos. It is the only Toastmasters club in the district to achieve distinguished club status every year since its founding in 1996. And, it is the only club to send a district speech contestant within six months after it was chartered on July 26, 1996. It is a club that can claim to have improved the communication and leadership skills of its members and continue doing so.
The club would like to extend its invitation to those who have the desire to learn the art of speaking, listening and thinking.
If you are one, visit our regular meeting every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at Subic Restaurant, Kellogg Street-Route 440, Jersey City, NJ 07305. For $10, you can have a nice buffet dinner which is served before the meeting starts. The program session commences at 7:30 and ends usually after two hours.
For information, you can call TheSalvoGroup.Com, LLC at 201-577-8618 or you can send an e-mail.
You may also visit our other website:
"The greatest gift we can give to ourselves is to speak from the heart; and the unique gifts we can give to others are the wisdom to speak clearly and the ability to listen sincerely."
Fiorello Salvo, DTM
Distinguished President
1999 - 2001
2000 - 2001
2003 - 2004
VP Education
VP Membership
VP Public Relations
Past Presidents
Eduardo Toloza, ATM-CL
Antonio Figueroa, DTM
Lt. Gov. For Marketing
Governor, Division J
2001 - 2002
"Division Governor of the Year"
District 46 Parliamentarian
Galicano Munar, CTM
Fiorello Salvo, DTM
2000 - 2001
Area 04, Division J
2001 - 2002
Chit Bengzon, CTM-CL
2001 - 2002
Xerxes Treyes, ATM, CL
2002 - 2003
This page was last updated on: February 12, 2011
"Success is counted sweetest
by those who never succeed."
- Emily Dickinson
For better Listening, Thinking, Speaking
Toastmasters international
The names "Toastmasters International", "Toastmasters" and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
"Whether you're a professional, student, stay-at-home parent, or retiree, Toastmasters is the best way to improve your communication skills. Toastmasters can help you lose the fear of public speaking and learn the skills that will help you be more successful in whatever path you've chosen.
You'll be a better listener. You will easily lead teams and conduct meetings. You'll comfortably give and receive constructive evaluation.
You already have some or all of these skills. In Toastmasters, you will enhance them."
Counter restarted September 1, 2000.
President's Distinguished Club, 2000 - 2001; 2002 - 2003; 2003 - 2004
Select Distinguished Club, 1999 - 2000; 2001 - 2002
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Home of Lt. Gov. For Marketing, 2003 - 2004
Division J & Area 04 Governors, 2001 - 2002
We belong to the great communicators of the world.
You can be, too. Please sign and let us know if you want to be.
Jersey Toastmasters
believes in the power to communicate .... to be heard .... and to listen.
The highest and second highest awards respectively given by Toastmasters International

Note this word in my speech title: TROAST. I recommend the word troast as a word of the day, meaning roasting and toasting.
As an outstanding club, the Jersey Toastmasters is indeed one in a million. In its Area 4-J, District 46, Club No. 7733 has attained quite a distinction not only in Jersey City, but in the State of New Jersey as well, and perhaps in the entire Northeast.
Truly, the Club has become legendary – that is, a legend in the minds of its own members. It is star-studded with skilled speech crafters. It is overloaded with veteran communicators. Veteran, by the way in this case, is another euphemism for those who are candidates for the Home. There is never a dull meeting. Its proceedings keep exploding with wit. Jokes in its sessions fly thickly, followed always by resounding applauses. That is, after the speaker says, “I need an applause for that.”
How can it not be a distinguished club, with such members as the following:
A member whose brilliant leadership both in the club, in the district and in the area is outshined only by the brilliance of his head. If he sheds a flake of dandruff, by the way, get it. It’s a collector’s item.
An outstanding past president and an accomplished broadcast journalist, who is also a fast rising leader in our district. He is truly a fantastic speaker. He has told this to me many, many times whenever we meet, the last time three minutes ago.
A tall, dark and handsome toastmaster, who is destined to be a professional inspirational and motivational speaker when he retires in the Philippines. When I mentioned this to him, he faced his seatmate and went, “”I am?” Unlike most people , he applies white dye to his hair to look distinguished and respectable. If he does not do it, he looks 30 years younger. Again, when I mentioned this to him , he went, “Do I really?”
Another handsome member spends three hours primping in front of a mirror before coming to our meeting. He always confronts his audience with a difficult decision on where to concentrate: whether to listen to his always interesting political speech or admire his diamond-studded outsize belt buckle, ultra fashionable wrist watch, smartly designed colorful vest and jacket, and manicured mustache.
A Filipino Yankee western type complete with wide brimmed $100 Stetson and custom-made embroidered cowboy boots. He is a powerful speaker with a sexy accent and who, like Charles Bronson is perhaps a love icon for women who no longer care. His name – the single letter X – does not sound like one. It sounds like a dangerous medical prescription.
With outstanding members and characters such as these who probably really are capable of standing out, who will dare to compete with Jersey Toastmasters. These guys are talented not only in speaking, but also in singing and dancing to the tune of YMCA. Indeed, many of them try hard to look ago-go although their go-go’s have long been gone. But really, these guys are all good eggs. And you know where eggs come out of.
Guys and dolls, join me in troasting the one and only Jersey Toastmasters.-
A re-print from ATM speech project: "A Toast" by

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Membership & Education Program
* Members List
* Educational Programs
- Basic Program
- Advanced Program
* Leadership Programs
- Competent Leader
- Advanced Leader
* Distinguished Toastmaster
* Accredited Speaker
* Reminders
Activities & Achievements
* Meeting Schedule
* Calendar of Events
* Awards & Recognitions
- Club
- Individual Members
* List of Officers
* Contests Schedules
- Club, Division & District Levels
* Staff Box
Club History
* First Meeting
* Membership to Toastmasters International
* Link to TMI
* Link to District 46
* Activities
* Members
* Officers
Our prayers for the souls of those who died; Our thanks to the soldiers who are protecting our freedom. We will never forget you.
God Bless America !!!
- The Executive Board & Members
Jersey Toastmasters
2004 Jersey Toastmasters. All rights reserved.
This website is dedicated by the Salvo Family to Jersey Toastmasters.
The Mission of the Club
The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
How Toastmasters Can Help You
Your success in business is based on how effective you are. Through participation in the Toastmasters Communication and Leadership program, people from all backgrounds learn to effectively speak, conduct a meeting, manage a department or business, lead, delegate, and motivate.
How Toastmasters works.
> As your improved communication skills become obvious within the workplace, increased visibility, recognition and promotion will follow.
> Your improved presentation skills will win you the respect and admiration of your colleagues and employees - and make them wonder what you did to change!
> Leadership skills acquired through participation in Toastmasters will increase your management potential.
> As a Toastmaster you will acquire an increased ability to motivate and persuade, making you more effective as a supervisor or manager.
> Members of Toastmaster Clubs have access to a wide range of educational materials, including books, audio and videotapes, and seminar programs available at reduced cost through the Toastmasters International Supply Catalog.
How Toastmasters Meets Your Needs
> Established in 1924, Toastmasters International uses time-tested programs that are continually updated to meet participants needs.
> Self-paced programs allow you to progress as rapidly or gradually as your needs dictate.
> The hands-on Communication and Leadership program provides the "how-to" and the practical experience so critical to progress.
> Toastmasters Clubs meet at various locations in the morning, at noon and in the evening. You'll be sure to find a Club that fits your needs.
> The Toastmasters program is cost effective, especially when compared to seminars charging hundreds of dollars per day. There is a $16 new member fee, and $18 dues every six month. Clubs may also assess local dues to cover local expenses.
> An atmosphere of professional camaraderie makes your Toastmasters Club a unique learning environment -- informal, yet dedicated to learning.
> The Toastmasters program can be tailored to meet your personal objectives. Whether you desire improvement in prepared or impromptu speaking, greater skill in the use of visual aids, experience and knowledge is to be gained in the areas that most interest you.
How The Program Works ......This and more about Toastmasters when you visit Toastmasters International Website.
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